Econsult Solutions

Customer Reviews

  • "Econsult Solutions provides the best insight into economic problems & policy questions in the Philadelphia Metro area. "
    Econsult Solutions Inc. topical economic studies provides the best insight into economic problems & policy questions in the Philadelphia Metro area. Although the studies are for clients, I look to read in the local newspapers or TV on what they have to say about an issue. It's got to be more than the top quality experts on staff providing services on Economic Development, Public Policy, Finance, Real Estate, and Transportation analysis. It's their high level of commitment to deliver, facts. Facts that can be used to make better decisions, with less risk. Economics is such a hard subject to get into, but they make it understandably. I am no Politician or Corporation CEO, but think that the people that make decisions pay attention, so we are all better off. I once participated in an analytical study by ESI and found out first hand how good they were. They found new insights, and were able to confirm only what was a belief, but now there was evidence it was correct and it became a part of our business plan. I highly recommend their analysis, consulting and economic services.

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What we offer

Econsult Solutions Inc. provides businesses and public policy makers with consulting services in urban economics, real estate economics, transportation, public infrastructure, development, public policy and finance, community and neighborhood development, planning, as well as expert witness services for litigation support. We combine robust quantitative analysis with trusted expert insights and impactful implementation to create sustainable solutions. We work collaboratively with our clients, and draw in expertise when necessary from our network of experts and partners across industries, regions, and management practices. Based in Philadelphia, we support clients nationwide.
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October 12, 2015

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